Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Bathroom Nazi (Junior) - Prequel

It's late evening, I come  home from work, sweating like a pig & in desperate need of a cold shower. But no, that would mean my daughter would miss 5 whole minutes of playtime with Baba.  In no uncertain terms she announces:

"Baba.. No bushooo, ok ?"
( babyspeak : bushooo = bath ).

Of course, I am well prepared for this, so the negotiations begin..

"No Bushoo, but I will just change into this towel ok ? No bushoo, I promise!"

She looks sceptically, but agrees & gives me an inch. I stare at the bathroom door longingly, & think of next move..

" I will do half bushoo ok. ?? Just splash water on my face & wash hands ?? Is that fine ? ".

I make it sound like a genuine plea & not some kind of trick. She agrees conditionally.

"Ok Baba, but leave the door open.. NO LOCK".

Check & mate..

I am losing this battle unless I can think on my feet & outdo her. That's when pure inspiration strikes. I step inside bathroom & make big hooo-haa.

"Nihira, LOOOOK there is big big cockroach.. I must catch it quickly, else it will run outside & hide inside your diaper bag !!"..

That clinches the deal ( for today at least ), without waiting for her answer, I close the bathroom door firmly shut & to make the lie sound like absolute truth, I make all kinds of violent sounds as if I am battling a real grizzly bear & not some make believe cockroach.

As I turn the shower to full blast & bask in my small victory.. I can hear Nihira squealing & making a dash to the living room, bragging to her mum about her Baba's heroics.


septerr said...

:-) She clearly loves her baba.

parikrama said...


Here sample this, and make your own judgement..

Yesterday when I stepped inside home in evening, She greeted me by saying "Baba, I miss you, I was waiting for you. Did you miss me too ?". I replied in affirmative.

And barely, even before I had taken off my shoes, she says "Go back to office... I don't like you, I like Aai more!!"

That's quite a volte-face.