Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Home Sweet Home..

For someone who is still on the active & optimistic side of 30s, i lead a very sedentary & monogamous life. Not that i would want my days(& nights) to unfold any differently. But still, at times, a small voice inside me keeps nudging quietly, begging me to get out of the predictable rut. "Get a life.." (the small voice pleads) , most of the times I turn a deaf ear and let the voice die a slow natural death. Sometimes though, the little voice wins. Last saturday was one such day.

The monogamous streak of my persona , extends to my eating habits as well. For almost 3 months now, I have been frequenting a small non-decrepit joint on weekends. Not many people are aware of its existence. Its clientele is solely developed on word-of-mouth publicity. I have been eating the same spread of : Baturaa, Daal , Sabzee & Paalak Pakoda for past God-Only-Knows-How-Many-Saturdays.

These days, I just need to show my sullen face to the genial Sardarji (the owner of the eatery), not a word needs to be spoken. After the terse exchange of non-verbal pleasantries, I dutifully take my "regular" seat which, much to my liking, faces a blank gray wall. On couple of occasions I was tempted to change my order & eat something different. But that would have broken our (long established) channel of silent communication. There are two things I would rather NOT do :

Nbr 1 > TALK..

Some people are born without the gift of gab, You either have “it” or you don't have. Unfortunately for me, the later holds true & I have made peace with this handicap of mine. I do not forcefully try to cover up this inadequacy or improve upon it in any ways. I speak only when it is absolutely necessary.

Nbr 2> SMILE..

Since long, I have lost the mobility of the facial muscles which help a person to break into a smile. I feel revolted at the sight of my own artificial constipated smile. I prefer keeping a straight face rather than greeting someone with my choleric smile, If the smile doesn’t come from within then so be it, I am not going to fake it.

Coming back to my Saturday afternoon exploits, normally , after finishing the hearty meal i head back home & indulge in mid afternoon nap. Instead of heading back home, I decided to break the routine. Since long, I had envied those folks who are seen in public places ( park benches, beaches, swimming pools) with their head buried deeply in some book, oblivious to the world around them. It strikes to me as, something very meditative & peaceful thing to do amidst the chaos that usually surrounds us. My reading is mostly confined to the 4 walls of my home. This year though, I have resolved to take my reading beyond the confines of my bedroom.

Today, I decided to check out the exotic setting of Fort Canning Park to catch up on Shalimar-The Clown. This park sits atop a small hillock overlooking the meandering Sg'pore river. It was 2 O'Clock in the noon and the park was almost deserted except for few laborers in their fluorescent garbs busy doing landscaping work. At that odd hour, almost all the benches were empty. I had the luxury of picking & choosing. Settled for a bench which had generous shade from overhanging branches. Took deep breath to soak the clean air, could feel a deep sense of calm seeping in my veins as i started flipping the pages. Not even half way through the 2nd page, I felt something creeping up on my feet. Set the book aside to examine my feet. A busy group of red ants had taken fancy to my toes and I was being treated to a very holistic & natural form of acupuncture. I kicked away my floaters with annoyance and flicked the pesky crawlers. A close inspection of the ground beneath the bench revealed that i was sitting atop a very active colony of ants. It had rained for most of last week & sun was out after a very long hiatus. So like us humans, the ants too wanted to enjoy the warmth and were out in full force.

I decided to deal with the situation in a non-violent way, very magnamously i surrendered the territory to them & shifted base to another bench . It didn't offer much protection from the sun but atleast it was ants free. Resumed my reading. The peace didn't last long though. Some weird sounding insect started to screech with all its might. The notion of meditative & romantic setting was fast dissolving under the cacophony of various sounds from the insect kingdom.

Meanwhile, the combined effect of heavy meal & mid-afternoon sun had started to lull my senses. The need to stretch down on all fours was very intense. I kicked my footwear again.Using my backpack as pillow, i rested my back on the hard wooden bench. First thought that crossed my mind after lying down : What if I fall asleep deeply and somebody steals my chappals ?? This is a typical middle class thought i guess. Why on earth would anyone want to steal my dirty footwear ? No logic there, I am programmed to worry over inane matters. I can worry about any damn thing in the world. Every night i get worried that the gas burners haven't been shut off properly, the main door hasn't been locked etc etc. Amost every other night i wearily drag myself out of bed to silence these impotent worries.

[ Cuting back to the park bench. ]

Resting the book on my chest I closed my eyes for a while. My ears pick up bits of conversation drifting from tourist who are on a mid-afternoon stroll. I suddenly become conscious of my awkward supine body as the voices come closer. I try to cut a graceful pose, but its difficult to look graceful with two spindly little legs sticking up in air over an armrest. I peer thru my eyes pretending to be blissfully asleep. Most of the strollers are couples, they politely slip into low whispering tones as they pass me,lest they wake me up.

Finally i got tired of my uncomfortable stakeout. I started fantasizing the comforts of my bed , the softness of my big fat pillow, the familiarity of the 4 walls of my bedroom beckoned me. I got up quickly. First thing i did was to strap the chappals safely to my feet once again. Put the novel in backpack. Streched & cheerfully descended the hill to return to home sweet home.

Lesson learnt : Parks & reading don't mix that well. Maybe next time I will try some cool beach or perhaps a chair by the poolside to catch up on my reading. As of now, I am happy with the boring indoors .


aria said...

LOL @ holistic & natural form of acupuncture n somebody stealing chappals.
Really enjoyed reading it.
I can't read in parks or anywhere else - other than my room too. To savor a book - I always need to lay down comfortably on my bed. Some ppl read on bus-stops.. this has often baffled me.

bharath said...

mucho serious blog IW. but very nice of you to share it :)

yeah, its hard to find "your" spot in parks for rading. but believe me once you find it, its great for some books.

happy you finally found some fresh air, eh? :)

bilbo said...

hey whiner,
Here's why I thought your blog was interesting ( grab a cup of coffee, or ur avocado juice, this is going to take some time. )
Reading this made me feel like you had written about me. I do have some regular habits or lets say , I tend to be regular abt some things.
For example, back in JNU, it was coffee at the canteen , only if a particular guy made it, and offcourse, my bar of dairy milk, once a wk.
And mysore masala dosa with madras coffee, every wkend . I don't think I tried anything else at that joint.
Another thing, I've noticed about your blogs is that they are very honest, straight from the heart kinds. No flowery metaphors or elaborate descriptions. Just words striaght up, no water. :)
And that makes for an interesting read.
Sorry abt the blog sized comment

Reshmi said...

nice one IW! like billo says, st. from the heart :)

i personally love sitting outdoors, especially parks. and i almost never leave the house without a book :P

but monotonous patterns, tch tch, that doesnt work for me at all, i am so bad that i dont take the same route back n forth to a place :P

Anonymous said...

And i am very sure you will nedup writing a new post telling us all why you would want to go back to the confines of your bedroom after your experience at cool beach or poolside,I am more eager to know who will distract you there:-P
I am so happy to see you writing after a long time Parikrama:)

PM said...

lol@worries on chappals being stolen..i still cant get over leaving my bag at the dinner table at resto to fetch an extra plate of dessert [in buffets]..conditioned, thats what we are [well, the upside is you can smirk at those one in a million who actually lose stuff like so]

reading in a park bench was never my cuppa tea--its one of those things, i always thought, that sounded good in sleeping in a hammock..does anyone know HOW many uncomfy knots exist on those things?

Rajavel said...

IW ...

Absolutely lovely stuff !!! Regarding ...Smiling and Talking .. I am a life time member too !!

Love the uncluttered style of your writing man .. its smooth.

Sandhya Kapoor said...

Nice one, IW - and not for nothing, are you my designated bro - I worry about the gas burners all the time and have these fantastic visions where I turn the lights on after I get back home and the whole kitchen explodes to greet me!

You should write more and oftener!

parikrama said...

Aaah now I know where you get Ur sunny disposition from :) . Extraa thanx for leaving comments at both places!

*Sigh* Coffee shops,which boast of Large Windows & languid views, invariably serve tepid & bland cups of coffee. Somehow I never like the taste of coffee served at those hi-brow places which seem to have taken the big cities by storm..Give me the lowly filter coffee served at cramped desi joints anyday..Extraa thanx to U too for Ur 2 comments.

I have tried reading in buses, but the thing is, my offc is just 15 mins away from my home..thats barely enuff to read a page or two !

No Avocado juice today.Couple of days back I saw how the lady makes the juice.She surreptitiously mixes condensed milk to sweeten it..Aarrgh.. I am going to slowly ween myself off from Avocado
and switch to other fruits.

Coffee only if a particular guy made it ??
Oh WOW some guy he must be :) Yeah I know what U mean.. In my offc there are 2 aunties,

Aunty Nbr 1 :
- Takes great care in making sure that the bread is toasted just to the right degree of crispiness
- Spreads the margarine in evenly distributed thin layer.

Aunty Nbr 2 :
- Oscillates between 2 extremes. The bread is either not toasted at all.. Or its burnt beyond redeemption.
- Just dumps the margarine in one big drippy lump.. Yuck..

Thanx for Ur blog sized comments..Lengthy comments are most welcome, U don't need to be apologetic for that !

I see that U are using every little opportunity to remind people of Ur Puneri heritage :)
Thanx buddy for Ur elegant comment.

Lemme guess, you are the same Anon who had commented on my "Fear Factor - India" post aswell :)) Thanx a bunch for your encouragement.

Worry about worthless chappals.. & worrying about a Louis Vuitton bag is,so very, not the same lady :) I am happy to hear that I am not the odd (wo)/man out to feel quesy about reading in the great outdoors.

Thanx thambhi.. I wish my mind was as uncluttered as my writing ! This post though went through just 2 rounds of edits..still it isn't perfectly smooth. It splutters & snags at few places but
I was too bored to put more efforts.

Ardra said...

ahhhhhh...finally, i came ambling by...and now there's nothing left to be said :-(
I've found out that I'd never be able to concentrate on reading outdoors- we had this beautiful park like place in our hostel- with trees having conveniently low, sprawling branches- beckoning one to recline- and while most of the others would be studying stretched on these branches, I'd take a novel- M& B included- try my best to read- but I'd be distracted by the various specimens of the animal kingdom- ants, birds, squirrels ....Heaven...

rally nice read- and liked the self deprecatory humor that u're an adept at...

DilettanteMoi said...

Hah!! So I did fool folks like ya.. Yes, it is people like me, who take their books upto the lake/beach/parks etc, lie down under the trees and read away to glory. or that is what we fool people to think. while all the time we are just making sure that people see and think we are having a gala time under the trees. Once in a while I let out a chuckle or a low guffaw to make the other person go green.

This is one good blog that I read in a very long time. Absolutely funny. People have already quoted their favorites [which are mine too.. all of them]. chappals / ants / punjabi-dhaba..

I have to tell ya though, that once I met a lady on a flight to Paris who said she is going there to read a book that is set in Europe, to get the whole feel of it. I thought it was cool and crazy at the same time. It takes all kinds. :)

parikrama said...

Sally Didi,
I read somewhere that Cancer is the most feminine of all star signs. Little wonder that I've got so many fears which women folks can easily identify with ;-)

Ardra ji,
"Der Hui Aane Mein Tumko..
Shukr Hei Phir Bhi.. Aaye Toh.."

Always love to read Ur comments.

Thanx.. Whazzup up mate ?? Haven't seen Ur brooding poems lately ?

**WOW** Must be one heckuva lady the one U met on flight! They don't make ladies like her anymore. I am in awe of such passionate & quirky people.

Am glad u liked my post..

Arpana Sanjay said...

Hey there whinez....

That was a clean straight from the heart blog...oh others said that already? sorry am feeling too lazy to come up with a different phrase that means the same thing... :-p

I worry about someone stealing my shoes when I travel overnight in trains in India. :-o

Oh parks and reading do mix well...try the grass next time. :-) and if its wet, carry a picnic blankie...I sleep like a baby on the grass....

parikrama said...

Chanku Chanku chay.. will definitely try "grass" next time..

Arpana Sanjay said...

you are most welcome whinez

and btw...i did something awesome for you...i tagged you!! :-D

La Louve said...

you're in singapore..... *whiiiiinnninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn* i want to be in sing!! I would have loved reading in the beautiful parks there or take my dogs out for walks. Lucky you, make the most... dont mind the ants ;) ;)

parikrama said...

Hey there Wbix,

What ????? U mean u didn't knew all this while that I am in Sg'pore ? And to think that we almost met :)) I mean we, as in Salonii , U & me. Sometime back Sal mentioned that U were in-transit passing thru Changi Airport & that there were some plans for an impromptu DSS meet. Yaad aayaa kuch ??

Anyways, why would U want to swap places with me ?? Mauritius is anyday more exotic & sanguine than Sg'pore naai ?

La Louve said...

Naii, they arent comparable... one is orderly, beautiful and the other is wildly beautiful :)

I didnt know Parikrama was YOU! :) Anyway yes, we almost met then... :( bad bad we didnt :(((